Friday, July 31, 2009

Goodbye to Boobs World Tour

My husband and I are taking my boobs to the beach, so posting will be sparse (read: nonexistent) until we return from a well-deserved and much-needed vacation in Costa Rica. Pura vida!


  1. Found my way over here from Bridge's Girl. So happy to see another young woman in my place. I too belong to FORCE, am BRCA2+ positive (received rest results when I was 24) and haven't had any surgeries yet. I've added you to my google reader!


  2. Great Blog! I have added you to my blogroll, “Cancer Blog Links” with almost 500 other cancer blogs at, a cancer networking site featuring a cancer book club, guest blogs, cancer resources and more. Please stop by and visit. If you like the site, please consider adding Being Cancer to your blogroll.
    Take care, Dennis
